bad family..bad blood

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bad family..bad blood
Post # 1
Been subjected to years of torrment by neighbours and there friends.
I feel cursed.
At the weekend I was physically attacked by a conected teenage girl.
I am a placid creature.
I have called on the help of my angels and past loved ones.
I am the one getting charged despite doing nothing.
in peace and love
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Re: bad family..bad blood
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
Mix black pepper salt and cayan pepper and try and sprinkle it over their fence or on their boundary, it will make them move away without bringing you bad karma
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Re: bad family..bad blood
Post # 3
@SpiritWolf , next time please site that your talking about hot foot powder and that you need to chant (easiest way to raise energy, or raise energy through some other means) to put power into that potion in order for it to work and be able to actually perform the spell, otherwise you're just throwing herbs on the ground basically, this isn't meant to be insulting I just want to make sure everyone knows what's being talked about since it seems (might be wrong) that the poster is a "novice" witch.

That said, I do wish you better luck in your endeavors , goodluckstar.

Thank you

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