Deleting of Posts/Respons

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Deleting of Posts/Respons
Post # 1
Greetings admin/ moderators/editors
Trust you'll are well.

So I have a question if I may ask please.
Why are some of my responses to posts on the forum section being deleted. If there are errors in the responses, please do advise me. And I humbly ask if someone would advise as to why the responses are being deleted.

Thank You
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Re: Deleting of Posts/Respons
Post # 2
My best advice is to just send one of them message and then ask for a reasoning behind whatever issue it is that you are having and discuss it with them in a private message.
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Re: Deleting of Posts/Respons
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Generally posts are not deleted unless they are duplicates or they violate Site Rules, or the post to which you are responding has violated site rules. . To the best of my knowledge, I have not deleted any of your posts.

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Re: Deleting of Posts/Respons
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

As Lark stated, if a post is a duplicate or if violates site rules it will be removed. Please familiarize yourself with our site rules. They can be found through a hyperlink located in the bottom right corner of every site page that states our Terms of Use. It is also advised that you read the chatter rules as well to understand what is appropriate for our website.

I also do not recall deleting any of your contributions specifically however as Lark remarked, if an entire thread is deleted everything in response is also deleted.

I hope this clears things up and that you find what you are seeking.

Many Blessing to you on your path,


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Re: Deleting of Posts/Respons
Post # 5
Thank You Lark and Thank You Kts
I do appreciate you'll getting back to me.

Just to be more specific as to which posts I'm referring to, it's the one under Norse Paganism and to be more specific, it was a thread in regards to signs from Odin. So firstly, apologies from my side if the the thread was deleted by the person who posted it. I'm aware that my response will also be deleted. However if not, I would like to know how the response got deleted considering that i am aware of site rules, grammar, capital letters, abbreviation. And I'm totally in line with adhering to site rules. And the response in that particular topic was received with much gratitude, so I can't see any violations on that response.

I'm struggling to understand as to how such informative responses by myself gets deleted.

It's just a query that I thought I would make mention of. As i do always look forward so much to spending time on SOM.

Hope to get some clarity in regards to this issue.

Thank You
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Re: Deleting of Posts/Respons
Post # 6

The thread was mine and I had deleted it because I had felt my query had been sufficiently answered. My apologies to any confusion I may have caused you or any of the others that replied.
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