need help!!

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need help!!
Post # 1
In 1995 I went to Marie Lavoe's voodoo shop and bought a black candle,wrote my husband at the times name on it with all kinds of ailments on it and let it burn 24/7 til it was completely burned out.I have always heard that what you put out comes back 10 times fold,but I didn't care at the time. I found out he was a child molester. Well to make a long story short I now have everything I tried to afflict him with.Does anyone out there know what I can do to reverse it? I am no longer in the New Orleans area due to Katrina so I don't have access to the voo doo shop. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
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Re: need help!!
Post # 2
Wow this is Deep they say that its 3 times to the mind 3 times to the body and 3 times to the soul so finding out he was a molester was a shot and your mind right?

Buy an reversal candle or an reversing spell there are many around.
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