Money jar spells

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Money jar spells
Post # 1
Has anyone had been successful with money jar spells? I found a money jar spell where you write the amount of money you would like to have, drop seven dimes into the jar, as you drop each dime in the jar you say some chant then write your name on the back of a bay leaf and drop it into the jar. Put the jar where only you see it. Has anyone done a spell like this and been successful?
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Re: Money jar spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Site Spells Discussion from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: Money jar spells
Post # 3
A money jar spell does not work that way.

You say you found a spell of that nature. In that case, im sorry to burst your bubble in saying this, throw that spell away because it's misleading and has no bearing to what is a proper money jar spell. This spell mentioned makes the money jar to be an atm. Obviously not.

A money jar spell will not make you rich overnight.

There are items and ingredients that goes into a money jar spell, you need to infuse it with energy. Find the correct way in sealing the jar with candle wax etc. Any spell jar for that matter requires a lot more than just a dime and a chant.

There is a post in regards to spell jars on the site in the forum section. If you are unable to find the money jar spell, do let me know as I will be glad to assist.

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