Healing Spells
Top Healing Spells |
Even more great spells.....
- 4 Bodies Healing ►
- A Good Night's Rest ►
- A Simple Healing ►
- Absent Healing ►
- Angels and Prophetic Dreams ►
- Basic Healing Spell ►
- Bira ►
- Blue Quartz Cleansing ►
- Brush of Relief ►
- Calming ►
- Casting out unwanted feelings ►
- Cleansing Bath ►
- Conker Healing ►
- Create A Healing Mirror ►
The power of healing spells is perhaps the greatest of all spells. When dealing with the power of health, you are dealing with life and death.
However, the spells included here are fairly weak healing spells. These spells can help to heal wounds and scars in less time then it would normally take, and there are arely any concequences from miss-cast spells.
More Free Healing Spells
- Crystal healing spell ►
- Emotional Improvement ►
- Energy Recovery ►
- Forgive Yourself Spell Jar ►
- Forgiveness ►
- Forgivness Dua ►
- Friar's Balsam ►
- Garden Blessing ►
- Grandmother Crone Energy ►
- Hand Healing ►
- Happiness ►
- Have Good Dreams ►
- Heal A Sunburn ►
- Heal Tooth Decay ►
- Heal Your Body ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing a Broken Heart ►
- Healing Bath ►
- Healing Candle ►
- Healing headaches ►
- Healing Light ►
- Healing Orb ►
- Healing Pain ►
- Healing Ritual ►
- Healing Soak ►
- Healing Spiritual Illness ►
- Healing/Relaxing Bath ►
- Health/Healing ►
- High Health Tea ►
- Jordans Headache Banishing ►
- Less pain spell ►
- Long-Distance Healing ►
- Memorial for Unborn Children ►
- Moon Water Tonic ►
- Moonlight Healing ►
- Muscle Pain Oil Blend ►
- Native American prayer song ►
- Othala's Ju Ju Powder ►
- Overcoming your Shadows ►
- Pain relief spell ►
- Peaceful Dream ►
- Peppermint healing ►
- Positivity and Inner Peace ►
- Proper Healing Technique ►
- Qi-Gong Healing ►
- Radiant Health ►
- Regeneration Assist Potion ►
- Rejoining Love ►
- Reverse ►
- Rose Petal Healing ►
- Secret healing spell ►
- Seraphian ►
- Shot Glass Circle Casting ►
- Simple healing spell ►
- Sleep Aid Spell ►
- Smooth Sailing ►
- Spell for arthritis ►
- Stop Nightmares ►
- Strong Healing Spell ►
- Successful Surgery ►
- Tea for Irritated Throats ►
- The Healer's Purge ►
- To Heal the Face ►
- To Relieve Anxiety ►
- Tooth Healing Spell ►
- Toothache Relief ►
- Votive Healing ►
- Warburg's Tincture ►
- A Healing Enchantment ►
- Amethyst Cure ►
- Anti depressant ►
- Anti-depressant ►
- Anubis's Blessing Charm ►
- Apollo's Prayer ►
- Arthritis Healing Spell ►
- Aura Cleansing ►
- Banish Depression From A Lover ►
- Banishing spell ►
- Basic Curse Breaker ►
- Basic Ki Defense ►
- Become Calm and Centered ►
- Buddhist Blessing and Healing ►
- Bury Pain ►
- Calling the Energies ►
- Calming Potion ►
- Calming the Mind ►
- Candle Healing ►
- Candle Healing Spell ►
- Candle Magic ►
- Casting A Circle ►
- Cat Vision ►
- Cleansing Meditation ►
- Cleansing Ritual ►
- Clear Skin Mask Spell ►
- Close Wounds ►
- Crystal Healing Spell ►
- Cure Sickness ►
- Cytokinesis ►
- Depression/Stressed Spirit ►
- Dragon Healing Spell ►
- Druidic Healing Spell ►
- Druidic Light Healing Spell ►
- Ease Pain ►
- Ease Stomach Ache ►
- Easy Candle Healing ►
- Energy drain technique ►
- Energy Manipulation ►
- Faster Wound Healing ►
- Freedom from Stress Spell ►
- Get rid of a Headache ►
- Get Rid of a Headache ►
- Good Health Spell ►
- Happiness ►
- Hasten Recovery ►
- Headache Away ►
- Headache Banishing ►
- Heal a Blocked Nose ►
- Heal a broken relationship ►
- Heal Bleeding ►
- Heal Minor Injuries ►
- Heal most ailments ►
- Heal Physical Pain ►
- Heal Your Pain ►
- Heal Your Pain ►
- Healer ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing a Depression ►
- Healing a Wounded Tree ►
- Healing an Injury ►
- Healing Bath ►
- Healing Energy ►
- Healing Flames ►
- Healing for aches and pain ►
- Healing Image ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Rune ►
- Healing Soup Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell of Raphael ►
- Healing Spells ►
- Healing the Body ►
- Healing Through Pure Energy ►
- Healing Water-holed Stones ►
- Herbal healing potion ►
- Herbs ►
- home protection Ritual (new) ►
- How to Remove a Curse or Hex ►
- Isis Girdle( Energy Spell) ►
- Less Pain ►
- Love and Hugs Dollie ►
- Mend A Broken Heart ►
- Migraine Healing Spell ►
- Moon Soak ►
- More Powerful Than Spells ►
- Negative Energy Jail ►
- New Moon Milk Bath ►
- Parent Kindness Potion ►
- Past Problems Away ►
- Peace and Light ►
- Peace and Understanding ►
- Pendulum Healing Sell ►
- Physical Body Change ►
- Protect from Pain ►
- Quarts Healing ►
- Quick Quartz Healing ►
- Relaxation Ritual ►
- Relieve Pain ►
- Remote Healing ►
- Reverse a Curse ►
- Revive a Plant ►
- Rose Quartz Healing ►
- Save A Tree ►
- Send Love To Another ►
- Simple Hay Fever Remedy ►
- Simple Healing ►
- Simple Healing Spell ►
- Simple Healing Spell ►
- Simple Healing Spell ►
- Simple Healing Spell For Pain ►
- Simple Meditation ►
- Skin Healing Ritual ►
- Sleep Well ►
- Small Scratch Healer ►
- Sorrow to Happiness ►
- Soul Cleansing ►
- Spell To Gather Energy ►
- Stop Bleeding ►
- Stop Mental Weakening ►
- Stop Yourself from Bleeding ►
- Stress Spell ►
- Stronger Power Ritual ►
- Summon Zeveron ►
- Tested Healing Method ►
- Thaumaturge Spell ►
- The Dragons Eye ►
- The Earth Bed ►
- Throat Healing Potion ►
- To Heal (Earth Element) ►
- To Heal the Soul ►
- Tooth Healing Rinse ►
- Vigoro ►
- Water Cure ►
- Wildlife Healing ►
- Wisp of Willow ►
- Wisp of willow ►
- Witches Ladder ►
- Healing Water-holed Stones ►
- ''Cut It Out, Cut Them Off'' ►
- A Cancer Healing Spell ►
- A Healing Poppet ►
- A minor healing spell ►
- A Modern Witch's Healing Spell ►
- A Pain-stopper ►
- A spell to ease throat pains ►
- A- Medication Spell ►
- A-Light Spell ►
- Abracadabra Healing Charm ►
- Acne Begone ►
- Acoda's Anti-Acne ►
- Acoda's Rain Spell ►
- Aerokinesis ►
- Aiding a Loved One Spell ►
- Angel Healing Spell ►
- Angelic Spirit Guides ►
- Anger Calming ►
- Animal Calming ►
- Animal Healing Spell ►
- Animal Shifting ►
- Anti Depression Herbal Remedy ►
- Anti Stress Spell ►
- Anti-depression/Sadness ►
- Anti-Flu Potion ►
- Aqua Healing ►
- Aquakanisis ►
- Archangel Raphael ►
- Archangels grace ►
- Ashes to Ashes Bone to Bone ►
- Aura Healing ►
- Aura Healing ►
- Aura Manipulation ►
- Aura Seeing ►
- Auric Healing Spell ►
- Bagging Stress ►
- Banish Anger and Stress Chant ►
- Banish Grief ►
- Banish Holy ►
- Banish Ill Health ►
- Banish Illness ►
- Banishing Spell ►
- Banishing Spell ►
- Basic Crystal Healing ►
- Basic Healing ►
- Basic Pain Healing ►
- Be Warm ►
- Become a Witch ►
- Beginner's Healing Spell ►
- Beginner's Minor Healing Spell ►
- Begone Now ►
- Better Hearing Spell ►
- Binding illness ►
- Bittersweet Candle Jar Spell ►
- Black Blood ►
- Bless medical herb ►
- Blessed Water ►
- Blessing ►
- Blessing for the Body ►
- Blessing Moon Peace ►
- Bluen's Pain Cure ►
- Boywnn Animal Healing Spell ►
- Breathe Better! UPDATE!!! ►
- Breathing Healing ►
- Bring Back the Dead ►
- Brown Sugar Healing Spell ►
- Burning Pain Healing ►
- Busy Bee Renewal ►
- Call of Isis ►
- Call The Rain ►
- Calm anxiety spell ►
- Calm Skies and Calm Guys ►
- Calming the beast inside ►
- Candle Healing ►
- Candle healing ►
- Cleansing ►
- Cleansing ►
- Cleansing Space ►
- Cleansing With Light ►
- Cleansing Your Aura ►
- Cold and Flu Charm ►
- Cold Fighting ►
- Cold/flu be gone ►
- Color Energy Healing ►
- Color Healing ►
- Colors of Power II ►
- Communication Healing ►
- Connect to a Tree ►
- Cough and Sore Throat Tea ►
- Create a Healing Necklace ►
- Cura (Cure) ►
- Curage Chant ►
- Cure ►
- Cure A Cold ►
- Cure a Cold ►
- Cure a sore throat ►
- Cure a Stomach Ache ►
- Cure Anything ►
- Cure For Boils ►
- Cure Poison ►
- Cure Potion ►
- Cure Sight Corruption ►
- Cure Sore Throat ►
- Cure Swine Flu Angel Spell ►
- Curing Spell ►
- Curse Absorbtion Spell ►
- Dark Aura Cleansing ►
- Defense/Heath Potion ►
- Demon Blood Potion ►
- Depression ►
- Disappearing Dirt ►
- Divine Healing ►
- Divine Healing Potions ►
- Divinity ►
- Ease a Stressed Mind ►
- Egyptian Energy Healing ►
- Elements spell ►
- Emergency Healing ►
- Emotional Help ►
- Empower Yourself ►
- Emprissioning an Evil Spirit ►
- Energy Healing ►
- Energy Healing ►
- Energy Healing ►
- Energy Healing ►
- Energy Healing ►
- Energy Healing (Middle Level) ►
- Energy Spell ►
- Erase a Bad Memory Spell ►
- Evil Eye ►
- Exorcism Prayer ►
- Fae Meditation ►
- Fast Healing Oil ►
- Fathers ►
- Fever Banishment ►
- Fever Healing Spell ►
- Find Yourself ►
- Fire Healing Spell ►
- Fire Protection ►
- Fish Revival ►
- Flu Be Gone ►
- Flu Healing ►
- Forgiveness Prayer ►
- Forgiveness Prayer ►
- Four Elements Healing ►
- Freedom From Pain Spell ►
- Gem Attributes ►
- Get Another to Agree ►
- Get Back Your Ex ►
- Get rid of body flaws spell ►
- Get rid of depression spell ►
- Get Rid of Headache ►
- Get rid of pain ►
- Get Rid of Pain ►
- Gilbert Ring ►
- Give Everything to God ►
- Give Up ►
- Gods Helping Hand ►
- Gods/Goddesses Healing ►
- Goodbye Headache ►
- Gypsy Healing Spell ►
- Happiness ►
- Happiness Chant ►
- Happiness Spell ►
- Harmonize Conflicting Magicks ►
- Headache Chant ►
- Headache Cure ►
- Headache Cure ►
- Headache Relief ►
- Headaches Be-Gone ►
- Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Heal a Cut ►
- Heal a Fallen Animal ►
- Heal a Heart of Hatred ►
- Heal A Large Wound ►
- Heal A Pet ►
- Heal a Sick Person ►
- Heal Acne ►
- Heal an Infected Cut ►
- Heal Disease ►
- Heal Hacking Cough ►
- Heal Illness Chant ►
- Heal Ones Self and Others ►
- Heal Pain Fast ►
- Heal pain for 24 hours ►
- Heal Pain Spell ►
- Heal Physical Pain ►
- Heal Physical Pain ►
- Heal Power ►
- Heal Someone ►
- Heal your whole body ►
- Heal Yourself With Water ►
- Healer Mage Healing ►
- Healer's kiss ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing a Broken Heart ►
- Healing a Cut ►
- Healing a Cut ►
- Healing a cut for Beginners ►
- Healing a Family Member ►
- Healing a friend ►
- Healing a Friend ►
- Healing a Minor Wound ►
- Healing A Possessed Person ►
- Healing a Relationship ►
- Healing a Wound ►
- Healing a Wound ►
- Healing Abilities ►
- Healing and Protection ►
- Healing Apple spell ►
- Healing Bath ►
- Healing Candle ►
- Healing candle spell ►
- Healing Chant ►
- Healing Charm ►
- Healing Charm ►
- Healing Colors ►
- Healing Colors ►
- Healing Crystal ►
- Healing crystal spell ►
- Healing Cup ►
- Healing Drought ►
- Healing Energy ►
- Healing For A Friend ►
- Healing for All ►
- Healing for Animals ►
- Healing for the sick ►
- Healing From a Distance ►
- Healing Head Ache ►
- Healing Here or There ►
- Healing Incense ►
- Healing Incense ►
- Healing Jar ►
- Healing Known and Unknown ►
- Healing Light ►
- Healing Liquid ►
- Healing Magic ►
- Healing Nature ►
- Healing New Cuts ►
- Healing of the Light Dragon ►
- Healing Others ►
- Healing Pain ►
- Healing Paste ►
- Healing Physical Pain ►
- Healing Poppet ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion. ►
- Healing Powder ►
- Healing Prayer ►
- Healing Rain ►
- Healing Simple ►
- Healing some one from afar ►
- Healing Song ►
- Healing Sore Throat ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing spell ►
- Healing spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell 15 ►
- Healing Spell For A Friend ►
- Healing Spell for a Loved One ►
- Healing Spell for Infants ►
- Healing Stones of the Hedge ►
- Healing Tea ►
- Healing with Energy ►
- Healing Yourself ►
- Healing yourself or a friend ►
- Healingof Apollo ►
- Health & Mental Issues Removal ►
- Health and Calming Potion ►
- Health Potion ►
- Health Spell ►
- Health, Happiness, Well-Being ►
- Healthy Life ►
- Healthy Living ►
- Heart be Healed ►
- Heart Heal after a Love ►
- Heart medning spell ►
- Heartbreak Healing ►
- Heartburn Cure ►
- Heat Rash Healing Spell ►
- Help a Plant Grow ►
- Help Lift Hard Feelings ►
- Help me breath ►
- Help the bleeding stop ►
- Herbal Acne Remedy ►
- Herbal Cleansing Steam ►
- Herbal Salves And Ointments ►
- Holy Protection ►
- Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain) ►
- How to Cast a Spell ►
- Ice ►
- Illaesum Incantatum ►
- Immortal Healing ►
- Induce Calm Spell ►
- Instant Healing Potion ►
- Isis Healing ►
- Isis Healing Potion ►
- Itch Relief ►
- Jesus ►
- Ki healing ►
- Ki Healing ►
- Lady Reanna's PMS Tea ►
- Life Bundles ►
- Light Meditation ►
- Lighten Pain ►
- Lips ►
- Lord and Lady Healing Chant ►
- Magic Awakining ►
- Magic Floor Wash ►
- Make a Curse Go Away ►
- Make Headaches Go Away ►
- Make Me Prettier ►
- Make Spells Work Better ►
- Make Yourself Warm ►
- Mend A Broken Heart ►
- Mend a Broken Heart ►
- Mental Health Cleansing ►
- Mirror Rid Illness ►
- Moon and Sea Protection ►
- Moon Healing ►
- Mother Earth ►
- Multi Purpose Powder ►
- My Healing ►
- Natural Healing Potion ►
- Net Shield/Healing ►
- Never thirst again. ►
- No Pain ►
- No Pain ►
- Nyanbrine's Water Healing ►
- Ocean's Health ►
- Ointment To Rid Of Ringworm ►
- Opening the Chakras ►
- Pain Away ►
- Pain Healing ►
- Pain relief oil spell ►
- Pain Reliever ►
- Painkiller Potion ►
- Paper Charm to Heal a Heart ►
- Paraplegic Fix ►
- Peace Bringing Potion ►
- Peace in Mind ►
- Peaceful Enlightenment ►
- Personal Healing Hand ►
- Phone Work ►
- Photo Frame Healing ►
- Physically Enhancing Your Body ►
- Plant ►
- Plea to the Goddess of Light ►
- PMS Tea ►
- Potion for Healing ►
- Potion to Promote Happiness ►
- Poverty Banishing Ritual ►
- Power of 3 Healing ►
- Power of 3 Healing ►
- Power of 3 healing spell ►
- Power of 3 Healing Spell ►
- Power of Three Healing Spell ►
- Powerful Charm ►
- Pranic breathing ►
- Prayer to Undo Past Effects ►
- Protection ►
- Protection from Sicknesses ►
- Protection Spell ►
- Psi ball healing ►
- Psi Ball Healing ►
- Psi technique - Energy ball ►
- Quartz Healing ►
- Raven Haws ►
- Re-bond a Broken Friendship ►
- Recover from Sickness ►
- Reduce stress mixture ►
- Relax Meditation ►
- Relax Yourself ►
- Relaxation Tea ►
- Release stress ►
- Releasing Anger ►
- Remove A Curse ►
- Remove a Headache ►
- Removing Headache ►
- Repair Broken Feather ►
- Repair Wing Feathers ►
- Restful Sleep ►
- Reverse a Spell ►
- Reverse Depression ►
- Reverse other Spells ►
- Revival hair chant ►
- Revive Friendship ►
- Rid yourself of Minor Pain ►
- Room Cleansing ►
- Rose Water ►
- Safe Room ►
- Sage ►
- Salt Power ►
- Scab Over ►
- Scars Vanish ►
- Scars Vanish ►
- Scratch Eradication ►
- Self Healing ►
- Self-Healing ►
- Self-Love Spell ►
- Sensing the energy ►
- Separation Spell ►
- Shower Cleansing Spell ►
- Shun pain ►
- Simple Healing ►
- Simple Healing ►
- Simple Healing ►
- Simple Healing ►
- Simple Healing Magick ►
- Simple healing spell ►
- Simple Healing Spell ►
- Simple Healing tea ►
- Simple Match Spell for Anger ►
- Simple Spell To Help Ease Pain ►
- Sing a Cure for Food Poisoning ►
- Smell Exercise ►
- Snake's Venom ►
- Solarkinesis ►
- Soul Cleansing Chant ►
- Soul Healing ►
- Spell Bag for Health ►
- Spell for Healing ►
- Spell to Banish a Fever ►
- Spell to heal ►
- Spirit Medicine Ritual ►
- Stomach Ache Begone ►
- Stomach Bug/Ache Healing ►
- Stop a Wound From Bleeding ►
- Stop and clot a nose bleed ►
- Stop Infection ►
- Stop Itching ►
- Stop Minor Bleeding ►
- Stop Ones Bleed ►
- Stop Pains ►
- Stop the Blood ►
- Stream And Soil Healing ►
- Stress ►
- Stress Be Gone! ►
- Stress Relief ►
- Strong Healing Incantation ►
- Summer Sun Jar ►
- Summon Any Spirit to Heal You ►
- Summon God ►
- Sunburn and Vinager ►
- Talking out the Fire ►
- The Dragon's Great Rite ►
- The Dragons Eye ►
- The Healers Prayer ►
- The luck of Snakebark Woods ►
- The Secret ►
- The Sunrise Seer ►
- The Witch's Ladder ►
- Think Pink ►
- Thought Ache ►
- To Cure Sickness ►
- To gain Energy ►
- To Heal A Large Pain ►
- To Heal a person ►
- To Heal A Relative Or Friend ►
- To Help A Friend ►
- To Lessen Pain ►
- To Make Sun Water ►
- To Use a God to Heal ►
- Tonic of holy energy ►
- Tonic Wines ►
- Transfer energy using aura ►
- Tree Magic ►
- Undo a Curse ►
- Use your Magic to Heal ►
- Violet Flame Decree ►
- Violet Healing Spell ►
- Violet's Moon Water Recipe ►
- Voodoo Healing Chant ►
- Water Dragons Healing spell ►
- Well Being Spell ►
- Witches Brew ►
- Relief ►
- 10 Knot Witches Ladder ►
- A Light Spell ►
- Acne Aid ►
- Air Anger ►
- Angel's Peace ►
- Angelic Waves ►
- Apollo Healing ►
- Aura Healing Tea ►
- Balances the Chakras ►
- Banish Negativity ►
- Banishing Emotional Pain ►
- Basic Healing ►
- Bay Rum ►
- Be Seen as You Truly Are ►
- Bless Spirits ►
- Bottle of Healing ►
- By the Witches ►
- Calming Spell ►
- Chakra Healing Bag ►
- Charging Stones ►
- Cleanse Mind ►
- Cleanse Object ►
- Cleansing ►
- Cleansing the Aura 2 ►
- Clear Skin ►
- Color Healing ►
- Comfrey and Calendula Poultice ►
- Conquer a Fear ►
- Controlicus ►
- Crystal Healing ►
- Cure a Bruise ►
- Cure For General Sickness ►
- Cure for Nausea ►
- Cure Hiccups ►
- Cure of the Gods ►
- Cure wound ►
- Cure Your Phsyical Pain ►
- Curing Gaze ►
- Demonic Healing ►
- Dispell a Headache ►
- Earth Healing Cone ►
- Easy Forgivness Spell ►
- Easy Healing ►
- Easy Healing ►
- Easy Pain Relief ►
- Emergency Protection ►
- Energy Potion ►
- Feel Better ►
- For Burns ►
- For Stomach Pain ►
- Gain Energy from Nature ►
- Get Rid of Pain ►
- Get Rid of Ringworm ►
- Getting Rid of Your Sadness ►
- God Healing ►
- Gods/Goddesses Healing ►
- Good Luck ►
- Happiness ►
- Happiness Spell ►
- Happiness Spell ►
- Heal a bruise or Relieve Pain ►
- Heal a Fire Burn ►
- Heal A Household ►
- Heal a Person ►
- Heal an Infected Cut ►
- Heal Cuts ►
- Heal my Broken Heart ►
- Heal Yourself ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ►
- Healing ''Brew'' ►
- Healing A Friend ►
- Healing a Person ►
- Healing a Sprained Arm ►
- Healing a Wound ►
- Healing Animal ►
- Healing Ball ►
- Healing Foods ►
- Healing From Afar ►
- Healing Pain ►
- Healing Poppets ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Potion ►
- Healing Power Bath ►
- Healing Restoration Spell ►
- Healing Ritual for Depression ►
- Healing Skin ►
- Healing Some One You Love ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Spell ►
- Healing Towel ►
- Healing your Sister ►
- Health Spell ►
- Help Ebb Away Arthirits ►
- Herb Healing Spell ►
- Herbal Remedy for Sunburn ►
- Holy Water Healing ►
- How to Heal ►
- Lady Oriel Healing ►
- Lemon Ring Protection ►
- Liberate Yourself ►
- Light of God ►
- Love spell ►
- Luna's Healing Potion ►
- Lunar Health Water ►
- Magick Circle ►
- Meditation Grounding ►
- Mental Healing Bath ►
- Mental Pain ►
- Minor Healing Spell ►
- Most Powerful Addiction Spell ►
- My Family the World ►
- My Spell To Hear Better ►
- My Spell To See Better ►
- Pain Relief ►
- Pain Relieving Potion ►
- Peace ►
- Peeling Skin Elixer ►
- Perfect Your Nose ►
- Physical Body Change ►
- Physical Healing ►
- Positive Energy Therapy ►
- Power of 3 Healing Spell ►
- Power of 3 Healing Spell ►
- Prayer for Healing and Health ►
- Prayer to Apollo ►
- Protection from Nightmares ►
- Purifying Bath ►
- Quick and Easy Healing ►
- Raphaels Heal ►
- Redeem Yourself / Another ►
- Relieve Stress ►
- Remove Empathic Pain ►
- Restoration of Minor Injury ►
- Rosemary Herbal Tea ►
- Schizophrenia Stop ►
- Searing Flame Meditation ►
- Self Healing ►
- Simple Animal Healing Spell ►
- Simple Healing Spell ►
- Simple Herbal Remedy ►
- Soup to Become Healthy ►
- Speed Up Healing ►
- Spell for Common Cold ►
- Spiritual Sin Cleansing ►
- Stop Bleeding ►
- Stop Bleeding ►
- Stop Controlling Me ►
- Strong Healing Potion ►
- Strong Spiritual Healing ►
- Super Dog! ►
- The fix-it spell ►
- The Goddess ►
- The Moon Goddess Spell ►
- To Heal a Family Member ►
- To Relieve Anxiety ►
- To take Away the Pain ►
- Undo Curse ►
- Uniorn Healing ►
- Warts Be Gone! ►
- Water Meditation ►
- Wheezy Chest ►
- Winds of change ►
- Witch Wreath ►
- Worry Jam Jar ►
- Wound Heal ►
- Youth and Healing ►
- ***Animal (Cat/Familiar) Healing Spell*** ►
- A-Healing Technique for Someone Else ►
- Auriel's Circle of Angelic Healing ►
- Be Able To Heal Others With Touch ►
- Blessing for a Home and the Dwellers ►
- Breaking a Curse - Rosemary Bath ►
- Chakra Restoring Ring Enchantment ►
- Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy ►
- Crystal and Card Cleansing Spell. ►
- Eucalyptus Oil Candle Spell for Healing ►
- Heal a Twisted Ankle & Relieve Pain ►
- Healing Internal Multi perpose spell ►
- Healing Pouch for PMS and Cramps ►
- Help Sore Throat and Congestion ►
- How to make a Magickal Healing Jar ►
- Minowes healing spell (tested) ►
- Native American healing/weather summoning chant ►
- Opening Yourself Up to Love and Healing ►
- Tasty Potion to Heal a Cold/Cough ►
- The Magick Potion Of The Four Thieves ►
- Triple Flame of Cleansing and Luck ►
- A Simple Recipe to Cure a Sore Throat ►
- Banishing Bruises,Scars,or Scratches ►
- Blessed Bath and Ridding yourself of Bad/Negative Energies ►
- Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell ►
- Healing a Twisted Ankle with Water ►
- Incantation to Empower a Healing Amulet or Charm ►
- Meditation to Rid Oneself of Negative Energy ►
- Physical Healing for Loved Ones ►
- A Cure for Respiratory Illnesses ►
- A Spell To Relieve Drink Dependence ►
- Accepting a Difficult Situation ►
- Awaken Your Peace Meditations! With Waterbird ►
- Blondie's spell to cure a broken heart ►
- Cleansing Ritual of thy Night Dragons ►
- Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness ►
- Connecting with Your Spirit Guides ►
- Depressed episode healing spell ►
- Easily Changeable Enchantment Spell ►
- Energy Protection Strategies - Smudging ►
- Energy Protection Strategies - Zip Up ►
- General Cleansing Spell for Rooms/Places ►
- Get rid of a DemonNegetive Entity, and restore the damage it has done to your chakras. (Very Advanced!!!) ►
- Healing and Soothing Lotion for Burns ►
- Healing for Cuts Burns Dry Skin ►
- Healing Mantra of Medicine Buddha ►
- Herb and Crystal Healing Bath Sachet ►
- Let go or forget person you're attached to ►
- Magick Balm to Heal a Broken Heart ►
- Magickal uses of Stones and Crystals ►
- Pain Relieving and Tolerance Technique ►
- Prayer for Lost and Attached Souls ►
- Purification (To Break a Curse) ►
- Purification and Cleansing: Poppet working ►
- Rainbow Moonstone Rose Quartz Water ►
- Reveal your True Desires in a Dream ►
- Shamanism healing plants eat ability ►
- To Cure a Disease [A Doctor's Touch] ►
- To increase Health and Vitality ►
- Banishing Negativity/depression/stress ►
- Chakra Healing Cleansing Ritual Bath ►
- Cure Someone's Emotional Sadness ►
- Healing and Protection Herb Jar ►
- Magick Infused Healing Potion With Chant ►
- Make Your Friend Appreciate You More ►
- Simple Cleansing/Protection Spell ►
- The Restoration of the Inner Soul ►
- To Cleanse Against Evil Thoughts ►
- To Cleanse Yourself of Bad Energy ►
- healing disease spell ►
- healing with amethyst spell ►
- a spell to stop constipation ►
- bless a totem ►
- heal a cold/headache ►
- heal soul spell ►
- healing spell ►
- healing touch ►
- new healing spell ►
- porcelain doll spell ►
- power of 3 healing spell ►
- remove your pain ►
- healing minor wounds ►
- how to temporarily soothe a sneeze cough. ►
- - ►