Online Covens

Covens are groups of spell casters who gather together for a common purpose. They are led by either a High Priestess or a High Priest, or in some cases both. Covens are given a board which members of the Coven may write on, a spell book where the Council can add spells, articles and videos and the ability for the High Priestess or Priest to make their spellbooks open to the public.

Featured Covens

 Spell Casters

The Spell Casters are open to everyone.People in the Spell Casters are all automaticlly set to council position where they can add spells.

 Black Cross

Black Cross is a coven for those who wish to take an alternate look at things. Here we teach something this site has been missing, we teach the usual, but we also teach what many refer to as "the dark arts" and the teachings of the Left Hand Path. We currently have over 100 pages of information from Christian Witchcraft to Demonology. We are not a coven which welcomes role-playing nor disrespect. We are a coven of magick not conspiracy theories. We accept all whom are tolerant regardless of race, gender, religion, creed, ability or disability. Please leave your ego at the door. We do have members of the transgender and LGBT community, in this coven and we ask you to provide them the same respect others are given.

Smaller Groups
Following are smaller groups, yet to have reached that status of coven.
Restricted Covens
Membership to the following covens is restricted. Any inqueries into joining these covens will be ignored and you will be barred from ever joining them.
 The Order
 Brothers Enigmatic
 Sisters Arcana
Inactive Covens
The following covens have inactive leadership. You may apply to take over one of these covens.

You must be a member of SoM to lead a coven.

Raven's Gate
Higher Magicks
The Broom Closet
The Dark and Light
Christian Wiccans
Angelic Touch
Council of Earna
Council of Knowledge
Shadows of Solitary Witches
Element Magick
Magical Beings Working Alone
The Legion of Light and Dark
Gypsy Witchcraft
The Path of the Shaman
The Air Element

General rules for leading a coven:

  1. The general goal/theology of the existing coven should remain. A "Black Magic" coven can not change its purpose to be about white magic (for example)
  2. Write a short summary and a detailed description of your coven. View your coven's page, if it doesn't look well formatted, reformat it.
  3. When you have 13+ members, upload icons and logos for your coven. Follow the image guidelines exactly, failure to do so is the quickest way to lose your coven
  4. You should leave exisitng spells/articles, but feel free to edit them if you think you can do a better job at writing them